Fairy Tail Ethereal RP

Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic] R48X1Xi

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Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic] R48X1Xi

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    Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

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    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 2415909
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    Private Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by Kenshin Tue 15 Dec 2015, 1:34 pm

    Kenshin walked down the streets of Oak Town clad in his usual attire, a pair of black steel toed boots, a pair of black pants and a brown belt, as usual he was naked from the waist up, revealing the large pair of black demonic wings he currently had folded behind his back as well as proudly displaying the red outlined white Crime Sorcière tattoo he had emblazoned on the center of his chest, as was his right as a member of the Shadow Court, the elite upper echelon of Crime Sorcière. He was on his way to a large abandoned tower where he was scheduled to meet with another member of the Shadow Court so that he two of them could do a mission together, apparently a small group of goblins had been harassing and tormenting the people of Oak Town for some time now and the mayor had finally decided that enough was enough and had put out a job requesting someone to come and take care of them, now generally this job could easily be handled by even a single member of the Shadow Court but since this was their first time doing business with the mayor of Oak Town the Shadow King had decided to send two experienced members as a display of power to the mayor and hopefully to convince the man to hire them again

    When Kenshin arrived at the meeting point he immediately noticed that his partner for the mission had yet to arrive, but that wasn't because he was late or anything, just that Kenshin himself was a little early, he took his time to examine the meeting place, it was a large ruined tower near the outskirts of Oak Town, a rather secluded place and overall a good place for two members of the secretive guild that was Crime Sorcière to meet up. Once Kenshin had finished surveying the area he went and started to lean against the side of the tower, waiting patiently for his partner to arrive. In all honesty Kenshin hadn't met a single member of the Shadow Court apart from Mako, or as he preferred to be called 'The Shadow King', so he didn't know a single thing about the person that he was to work with, hell he didn't even know the name or race of the person that he was supposed to work with so he had no idea what to expect, for all he knew the person could be an angel or even a demon, so he'd just have to wait for them to arrive to see who and what he was meant to be working with here

    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 170981
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    Age : 28

    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by FearDaNara Tue 15 Dec 2015, 5:56 pm

    Deep in a small forest on the outskirt of Oak Town was a man that appeared to be sleeping on a branch of a tree. He had his arms on the back of his head as he was snoring rather loudly. The branch that the wizard was laying on started to make cracking noises. The mage opened his eyes half way after hearing the cracks, but simply dismissed the noise and closed his eyes. The branch then cracked, causing the mage to drop to the ground on his back. "Ow ow ow!" he complained as he rubbed his back before slowly standing up. This wizard is Shadow D. Nara, a wizard from the independent guild, Crime Sorciere. He was part of the guild's Shadow Court, which gave him the rights to represent the guild in any given situation. He was wearing a black imperial like suit with a red line going down the top, with white gloves, and light brown boots. The badge on the top left of his suit had the guild's symbol on it since his tattoo was hidden on his right shoulder.(Link)

    Suddenly, a woman teleported in front of the etherious. "Oh, I knew I'd find your lazy butt here." said the woman. She had short dark green hair with purple eyes She had on a female version of the suit that Shadow was wearing, except she was wearing a red short skirt and her badge was blank.(See the link above.) "Geez, you're a pain in the ass, Yukina." Shadow said, as he rubbed the back of his head in an annoyed tone. Shadow was never use to talking to girls, but when it came to Yukina, he had no problem with it due to his long history with her, prior to them joining the guild. "So, what job do ya need me for anyway?" he said, while rubbing his eyes from just getting up from his nap. Yukina then slaps Shadow in the face. "I'm not here to give you a job, you idiot! I'm here to remind you that you are suppose to be meeting someone at that large ruined tower over there for a job. Or did you forget, like you do with every other job?" she scolded at Shadow while pointing towards the tower in the distance.

    Shadow rubbed his cheek before looking towards the tower. "So what if I did? It's not like it's going to be anything cool, like causing mayhem!" he said in an annoyed tone as a red hand mark can be seen on the left side of his face. "Looks like you forgot the details of the job. You are clearing out some violent goblins if I remember correctly." As soon as Yukina reminded Shadow what his job was, he quickly picked up his white coat with a white furry collar that he may or may not of stolen(See link above) from the top of a rock next to the tree, quickly putting it on before darting towards the tower. "HELL YES!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "...Baka." she said quietly to herself with a small smile on her face.

    Shadow ran through the woods, his coat flying behind him like a cape as he got closer to the tower. He could see a figure at the end by the tower which is most likely his partner. His enthusiastic expression soon turned to a more serious tone as he saw who the figure was. He looked demonic to him. Shadow had a deep hatred towards demonic beings, he just simply stood there, facing the figure as he clenched his fists, generating lighting around them, as he stared at the guy with a murderous look on his face, ignoring the guild symbol on his chest.

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    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 2415909
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    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by Kenshin Wed 16 Dec 2015, 10:32 pm

    Kenshin turned to face the forest where he could hear a large amount of rustling and commotion, and it was getting closer and closer to his position by the second, until eventually a man with spiky white hair ran out of the forest, he was wearing a black imperial like suit with a red line going down the top, a pair of white gloves and light brown boots, over which he was wearing a white cloak with a fur lined collar, but the thing that immediately caught his eye was the crest on the front of his suit, the Crime Sorcière guild mark, meaning that this man was more than likely going to be his partner for the mission. He was about to approach him when he saw the look that he was giving him, it was a look that he knew well, a look of complete and utter contempt, he had been on the receiving end of that look more times than he can count so he was more annoyed by it than anything, I mean seriously they were members of the same guild

    But Kenshin's annoyance quickly turned into anger as he saw the look of hatred turn downright murderous, the anger only grew further when he saw the man clench his fists before lightning began coating them, this was starting to go way to far, it was one thing for the guy to be weary because he was an Etherious but it was another thing altogether for the guy to attack him because of it, so he decided that it would be best for him to try to defuse this situation. "Look, I have never met you or done anything to deserve your resentment so I suggest that you grow the fuck up and get over it, I'm an Etherious and you being a racist and hating me because of it isn't going to change anything. You know, I honestly hate people like you, you are nothing more than ignorant fools, it's the same as hating the sun for shining or the wind for blowing, if you people would just grow up and look at things from a mature perspective then you would realize that no race is inherently good or evil, it is up to the individual to decide what path they want to follow in life, so would you stop giving me that death glare already and lets get this job over with" said Kenshin heatedly.

    This guy was just rubbing him the wrong way, he had never been this angry at someone because of their ignorance regarding his race before, maybe it was because this guy was about to attack him simply because of his race, or maybe it was because he had been expecting the people within his guild to be different to the other ignorant fools that he'd met throughout his life, either way it was definitely rubbing him the wrong way, but he would wait to hear the guys response before he did anything else, hopefully the speech he had just made would make the guy realize just how immature he was being but he really didn't expect that to happen, most people who thought that way are so engrossed in their ways no amount of logic or reason will change it

    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 170981
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    Join date : 2015-11-09
    Age : 28

    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by FearDaNara Thu 17 Dec 2015, 12:02 pm

    Shadow watched as the other Etherious was giving him a look of annoyance as he continued to glare at him. He was clearly a demon, a monster. Such evil doesn't deserve to exist, Shadow thought to himself. His eyes were completely fixed on his supposed "partner" not taking his attention away from him. He was waiting for the "monster" to come at him, try and strike him down, but he just stood there like himself as if they were in some kind of stand off. Shadow then broke the stand still and started walking toward the Etherious with his eyes still dead set on him, wanting nothing more but to kill this monster.

    He then stopped as he heard the demon speak. "Look, I have never met you or done anything to deserve your resentment so I suggest that you grow the fuck up and get over it, I'm an Etherious and you being a racist and hating me because of it isn't going to change anything. You know, I honestly hate people like you, you are nothing more than ignorant fools, it's the same as hating the sun for shining or the wind for blowing, if you people would just grow up and look at things from a mature perspective then you would realize that no race is inherently good or evil, it is up to the individual to decide what path they want to follow in life, so would you stop giving me that death glare already and lets get this job over with" was what he said to him.

    Shadow had a look of surprise that soon turned to guilt. He had never encountered a demon, or another Etherious who said such things to him. Usually, it would just end in a fight since all of the demons and Etherious he had ran into in the past were nothing but bloodthirsty monsters, just like how he use to be. It's pretty ironic isn't it? He spent his entire life hunting evil destructive beasts that only talked with there fists, but it appears that tables have turned on him. He looked down to his gloves and took a deep breathe. He thought himself to be above other Etherious, but it turns out he was wrong, that he was nothing more than a monster himself. But, then that's when it hit him. His partner claimed that he was an Etherious. We were created for nothing but darkness and evil. There was no inherently being born good or evil, or at least that's what this young Etherious thought. So, he cant just lower his guard because of some speech.

    Shadow looked back to his partner, not with a look of contempt, but with a look of guilt that soon turned into a look a look of annoyance. "Whatever...Let's just get going, demon." Shadow said in a low but annoyed tone as he walked past his partner with his hands in his pants pockets, going the wrong way which is something he usually does do to his air headedness.
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    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 2415909
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    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by Kenshin Fri 18 Dec 2015, 11:07 am

    Kenshin was honestly quite surprised when he saw the white haired man's look turn from surprise to guilt, maybe there was some hope for him yet, although it didn't take long for that look of guilt to turn into a look of pure annoyance "Whatever...Lets just get going, demon" said young man rudely as he walked past him with his hands in his pockets, obviously not realizing that he was heading in the wrong direction. Kenshin just released an annoyed sigh as he watched the rude young man look away, what was up with the young people of this day and age, back when he was created they actually had respect for their elders, but then again that was somewhere around 780 years ago, he wasn't sure of just how old he was since he couldn't be bothered trying to remember the exact day, month and year, although for all he knew the young man did have respect for his elders but just didn't see Kenshin as his elder, I mean he most certainly doesn't look very old, most people assume him to be 20 at most, and that looked to be the same age as the young man, so there as quite a high chance that he considered him to be a peer

    Kenshin shook those thoughts from his head, he hated thinking about his age because he hated dwelling in the past, he preferred living life in the moment or looking into the future. He began walking in the correct direction without paying any mind to the young man walking in the opposite direction ""I only have two things to say to you, first, I am an Etherious not a demon and contrary to popular belief there is actually a difference between the species, and second, you're going the wrong way" called Kenshin over his shoulder as he kept walking, not even bothering to wait for his partner to catch up

    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 170981
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    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by FearDaNara Fri 18 Dec 2015, 3:29 pm

    Shadow doesn't really have respect for anyone these days. He never had any respect for anyone at all, especially authority. But, it was true that Shadow thought that his partner was in the same age range as himself. The only people he had ever came close to having respect for was his former mentor, the other student that his mentor was teaching, Yukina, and oddly children which he had a soft spot for.

    The spiky haired Etherious rolled his eyes as he heard his partner try and explain to him that Etherious and demons were different. "Oh, my apologies, man made demon." he said sarcastically while crossing his arms. The airheaded wizard then stopped in his tracks after the other Etherious commented on how he was going the wrong direction. Shadow looked around as he realized that he really was which caused him to blush in embarrassment. "....Shut up! Maybe YOU were going the wrong way!" he said as he turned around, pointing at the Etherious. He then kicked a rock and started walking behind his partner with his arms crossed again as he mumbled to himself.

    He kept his distance from the Etherious, glaring at the back of his head as if he were trying to use heat vision. No one would ever know, he thought to himself, considering on literally stabbing him in the back. "Oh no, Shadow what happened to your partner? Oh gee, It was awful. A goblin snuck up from behind and clobbered him to the ground. I tried my very best to save him but alas, it was too late." Shadow said quietly to himself in a dramatic tone, staging what his excuse would be for his partners death if he were to kill him. He even made hand gestures which looked ridiculous.
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    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 2415909
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    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by Kenshin Sat 19 Dec 2015, 12:37 pm

    "Oh, my apologies, man made demon" said the young man in a clearly sarcastic tone, obviously dismissing what Kenshin was trying to tell him about Etherious and Demons not being the same thing, and even though the young man was right in some regards he was wrong in others, in his long life he had met countless noble and benevolent people who just so happened to be Etherious and Demons, and an equal amount of evil characters from all the other races. "....Shut up! Maybe YOU were going the wrong way!" yelled the young man in an indignant tone when he heard Kenshin comment upon him going the wrong direction, something that earned a smirk from the Etherious, and that smirk only got bigger when he heard the young man change directions to follow him, kicking the ground as he walked to show his annoyance at the situation.

    As the two of them continued to walk towards the lair of the goblins Kenshin resisted the urge to chuckle, he could almost feel the glare that his so called partner was sending his back "Oh no, Shadow what happened to your partner? Oh gee, It was awful. A goblin snuck up from behind and clobbered him to the ground. I tried my very best to save him but alas, it was too late" said the young man quietly in an overly dramatic tone, obviously trying to ensure that he wasn't heard by Kenshin, but unfortunately for him Kenshin had managed to hear every single word, including the part where he had identified himself as Shadow

    "So your name's Shadow huh, well my name is Kenshin, I would say that it's a pleasure to meet you but that would just be a bold faced lie, oh and just to let you know Shadow there is no way in hell that a goblin would ever be able to take me down, I am more than capable of completing this mission on my own and the Shadow King knows it, so if you try anything against me on this mission then you'd better think of a damn good excuse for what happened to me or else be prepared to suffer the full consequences of your actions" said Kenshin in a warning tone as he kept his eyes forward

    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 170981
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    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by FearDaNara Sat 19 Dec 2015, 2:58 pm

    "So your name's Shadow huh, well my name is Kenshin, I would say that it's a pleasure to meet you but that would just be a bold faced lie, oh and just to let you know Shadow there is no way in hell that a goblin would ever be able to take me down, I am more than capable of completing this mission on my own and the Shadow King knows it, so if you try anything against me on this mission then you'd better think of a damn good excuse for what happened to me or else be prepared to suffer the full consequences of your actions" the Etherious said in a warning tone, clearly hearing every word that the lightning molding wizard had said without turning around once. Shadow beared his fangs, growling at his "partner" as he stared at the back of his head, his left eye twitching from annoyance.

    "Screw you! It aint like I'm going to call you anything of there than a demon!" Shadow shouted as he quickly scooped up a pebble and threw it as hard as he could, aiming at the back of Kenshin's head. "Doesn't matter what I tell the S.K. he nor anyone else will miss ya! You are nothing but a demon!" Shadow said with a completely cold and heartless tone. "Being a man made one...just makes it worst..." he said, his cold and heartless tone slowly turning to a much more saddening one. "You're not even meant to exist. Just some tool to be used for...someone else's evil doing." he continued saying, his vice becoming completely depressing as his eyes slowly changed its direction, now aiming to the ground. The spiky headed mage was clearly trying to make Kenshin feel bad about his self and his existence, but it seemed that he was doing more harm to himself than he was to him.

    The self hating Etherious bit his lower lip and shook his head, snapping out of his trance before growling at the Etherious in front of him. "What do you mean you are more then capable of doing this on your own? You will never even get the chance to do anything because I am going to murder all of those goblins on my own, before you even get a chance to lay a claw..or whatever you have on them!" Shadow yelled almost as if he were declaring a challenge before darting passed the other Etherious.
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    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 2415909
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    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by Kenshin Sat 19 Dec 2015, 10:05 pm

    "Screw you! It aint like I'm going to call you anything other than a demon!" yelled Shadow from his position behind Kenshin, something that caused the Etherious to roll his eyes in annoyance, honestly this guy was actually starting to annoy him with his blind hatred, but that annoyance quickly turned into anger when he felt something hard hit him directly in the back of the head. He didn't even have to turn around to know what had just happened, his so called partner had just thrown a FUCKING rock at him, it hadn't even hurt all that much, it was more the fact that he had the audacity to throw a rock at him, and that was just something that he just couldn't let stand

    "Doesn't matter what I tell the S.K. he nor anyone else will miss ya! You are nothing but a demon!" said Shadow in an extremely cold and heartless tone, not noticing that Kenshin had stopped in his tracks nor that he was shaking in complete and utter rage, if he was able to see Kenshin's face then he would know that he had struck a major nerve with that remark."Being a man made one...just makes it worse..." continued Shadow, his cold and heartless tone slowly getting more and more depressing with each word, and that tone was the only thing that keeping Kenshin from trying to rip Shadow limb from limb

    "You're not even meant to exist. Just some tool to be used for...someone else's evil doing." said Shadow, now sounding extremely depressed, something that made Kenshin so confused that his anger faded away, he just couldn't understand why he had been so affected by his own words, it was obvious that Shadow had been trying to make him feel bad about his very existence but the words seemed to have had more of an effect on Shadow himself than they did on him. Plus the way that he had worded it as well made Kenshin begin to think that there was more to the young man than he had first thought, especially since it almost seemed like Shadow had been talking to himself more than he had been talking to him, and that line of thought made Kenshin's eyes widen in shock, what if Shadow himself was an Etherious, it would certainly explain a few things, especially why his words had such an effect on him and why most of them were not actually directed at Kenshin, but that brought to mind the question of why he would hate his own kind to such an extent

    "What do you mean you are more then capable of doing this on your own? You will never even get the chance to do anything because I am going to murder all of those goblins on my own, before you even get a chance to lay a claw..or whatever you have on them!" yelled Shadow, obviously trying to cover up his earlier display of emotion with exuberance, but that wouldn't work now, not after what had just been said. Kenshin waited for Shadow to try and run past him, sticking his foot out to the side at the last possible second as he did so, if Shadow tripped over his foot and fell to the ground he would proceed to place one leg on his back to lock him in place and then force one of his hands behind his back, If Shadow didn't fall to the ground he would grab one of Shadows arms and lock it behind his back before pushing him up against one of the various trees that they were walking past. Either way he would then lean in close to Shadows ear "You didn't really think that I'd let you get away with that did you, my fellow Etherious" he would say with a smirk

    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 170981
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    Age : 28

    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by FearDaNara Sun 20 Dec 2015, 3:54 pm

    Suddenly, Shadow found himself face down on the ground from being tripped by Kenshin's foot. he then felt a leg press against his back which made it hard for the Etherious to move. As he struggled, the elder Etherious pressed one of Shadow's arms around is back to keep him down. "You bastard! Let me go! I knew I should've killed you on the sp-" just before the spiky haired wizard could finish his sentence, "You didn't really think that I'd let you get away with that did you, my fellow Etherious" the other Etherious said with a smirk on his face.

    Shadow stood there, motionless. His eyes widened as his true nature was figure out by the other Etherious. Shadow began to breathe heavily as he closed his eyes tight. He began having flashbacks. A monster going from unknown towns to towns, laying waste to buildings. Blood and screaming being heard from the carnage. Little children crying out in what sounded like agony. A loud, echoing, unholy roar being heard from the chaos. Shadow then began to struggle harder, trying to knock the other Etherious off of him. If he was successful in knocking the other Etherious off of him, he would then slowly get up from his stomach, sitting down with his legs crossed in the very spot that he fell at with his head down, staring at the ground. If he wasn't successful, he would just stop struggling and lay there with his head pressed against the ground.

    "What the hell....are you talking about?" the wizard would say in a calm tone, trying to hide how shocked he was. "I'm human....I'm nothing like you or your demon friends." he claimed, completely in denial that he was caught. Shadow just stared at the ground, having nothing else to say after that.
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    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 2415909
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    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by Kenshin Mon 21 Dec 2015, 3:13 am

    Kenshin's smirk only grew wider as Shadow went completely motionless beneath his knee, from his position above he could hear Shadow's breathing begin to get heavier, his reaction only proving to Kenshin that his hunch about Shadow being an Etherious had been correct, there was no way that he would have reacted like that f he had been incorrect, in fact he had a hunch that if he had been incorrect Shadow would have likely tried to rip his head off by this point. It was at this point that Shadow began to struggle quite violently, but Kenshin would have none of that, as he believed that if he let the young man up he would just attack him again, so he pushed his knee down harder on his fellow Etherious's back and pulled his arm up enough to cause him a significant amount of pain, and it didn't take very long for Shadow to stop his struggling and just lay there with his head pressed against the ground

    "What the hell....are you talking about? I'm human....I'm nothing like you or your demon friends." said Shadow in a completely calm tone as he continued to lie there with his head pressed in the dirt, obviously trying to hide his shock and horror at the fact that Kenshin had discovered his secret, but that calmness only made Kenshin more suspicious. "Look, why don't you just cut the bullshit Shadow, you're not fooling me with it, you say that you're not an Etherious but if that was true then you wouldn't have been so shocked about me saying that you were, nor would you have been so calm about it. Look, you might be able to fool others with that 'I'm a human' act but not me, I'm far too old to be fooled by such a bad liar" said Kenshin in a matter of fact tone, he himself was a master manipulator and liar so there was no way that he was going to fall for such an obvious lie

    Kenshin looked down at the immobilized form of Shadow with a frown, he had always seen other Etherious as his friends and extended family but it seemed that some of them were no different to the humans that he hated so much, and yet even though Shadow had treated him the way that he did he still saw him as an extended member of his family "Look, I'm going to release you now if you give me your word that you won't attack me" said Kenshin in no uncertain terms. If Shadow did give Kenshin his word not to attack him then Kenshin would keep his own and release him, but conversely if Shadow didn't give his word then Kenshin would keep him pinned to the ground. "So, you're obviously not proud of being an Etherious, but what I want to know is why, why are you so ashamed of being an Etherious that you would lie and say you're a human?" Kenshin would ask with a small frown regardless of whether or not Shadow gave his word to not attack him

    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 170981
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    Age : 28

    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by FearDaNara Mon 21 Dec 2015, 10:33 am

    Shadow simply kept his face pressed against the dirt, not saying a single word. "Look, why don't you just cut the bullshit Shadow, you're not fooling me with it, you say that you're not an Etherious but if that was true then you wouldn't have been so shocked about me saying that you were, nor would you have been so calm about it. Look, you might be able to fool others with that 'I'm a human' act but not me, I'm far too old to be fooled by such a bad liar" the other Etherious said to Shadow in a matter of fact tone. Shadow turned his head to the side as he listened to the other white haired wizard that had him pinned down. He briefly glanced up to the demon and looked back to the side. Kenshin doesn't even look any older than himself, but it wouldn't be a surprise if he were older than he looked.

    "Look, I'm going to release you now if you give me your word that you won't attack me" the other Etherious said to Shadow which actually caught the spiky haired wizard off guard. Shadow's eyes widened for a brief second before lowering back to normal. Was a demon really willing to let him free? He was much more use to dealing with ones that were trying to kill him without mercy so this was new to him. Shadow stayed there silent however. Not saying a word nor moving. He just stared blankly to the side. He then blinked twice before his shock faced turned to a more pissed off expression. "Screw you!! Let me go or I'll send your ass flying!!" the young Etherious said as he began struggling again not caring how much it would hurt his arm.

    "So, you're obviously not proud of being an Etherious, but what I want to know is why, why are you so ashamed of being an Etherious that you would lie and say you're a human?" Kenshin asked Shadow with a frown as Shadow continued struggling. That question caused the Etherious to stop struggling again. His arm was in pain from him attempting to break free, but it was nothing compared to the pain of having to be reminded that he is an Etherious which reminds him of his dark and mysterious past. "....Don't we have a job we need to complete?" the blue eyed Etherious asked before taking a deep breathe which is strange since Shadow is normally the one who starts to wonder off fro his job, doing other things until someone has to remind him that he is on a job. He really didn't want to go any further with this discussion.
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    Character Gender : Male Jewels Jewels : 2415909
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    Private Re: Clear out the Goblins [Mission/Kenshin &Shadow][Mature Topic]

    Post by Kenshin Wed 23 Dec 2015, 4:42 pm

    "Screw you!! Let me go or I'll send your ass flying!!" yelled the young Etherious as he began to struggle even harder, something that made Kenshin release an annoyed sigh as he once again pulled his arm harder against his back, but that did not make the young Etherious beneath him stop his struggling. Kenshin was relieved that his question had caused the young Etherious to stop struggling, if he put any more pressure on his arm he was afraid that he may end up breaking it, and that definitely wouldn't help matters "....Don't we have a job we need to complete?" said Shadow in a calm tone before taking a deep breath, the look of sorrow in his eyes making Kenshin reconsider keeping up his line of questioning

    "Yes, we do have a job to complete, but the fact of the matter is I don't trust you to not stab me in the back at the first possible chance, so either I get your word that you won't try to attack or kill me, or I'll knock you out, tie you to a tree, complete the mission myself then report to the Shadow King and tell him exactly what happened here. Keep in mind I'm not holding you here for no reason, you attacked me, whether you see it that way or not, and what did I do to deserve being attacked, I existed, so regardless of what you think or not Shadow I am not the one in the wrong in this situation" said Kenshin in a matter of fact tone as he looked down at the Young Etherious, he really didn't want it to come to that but if he couldn't trust Shadow to not stab him in the back then he would be left with no choice in the matter

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